29 research outputs found

    A Comparison Study of Multi-Objective Metaheuristic Techniques for Continuous Review Stochastic Inventory System

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    Supply chain management which involves managing the flow of material andinformation from sources to customers has been one of the most challenging issuesfacing both the academicians and the practitioners for years. Inventory control is acrucial part of tactical decision level affecting the performance of supply chain indistribution and production. The main focus of this study is to compare theperformance of different multi-objective metaheuristic techniques to optimizeinventory parameters for single-product continuous review stochastic inventorysystem with transportation costs. The simulation-based optimization method is usedto solve the problem by combining the simulation model and metaheuristicalgorithms in order to determine the inventory policy taking into account twoconflicting objectives: customer service level and total inventory cost. We build adiscrete event simulation model to evaluate the objective function of the problem.The Metaheuristic techniques such as the genetic algorithm and particle swarmoptimization are applied to search the solution space. The results obtained by allthese proposed techniques are compared and the effectiveness of each technique hasbeen illustrated

    Risk Mitigation Strategy for Spend Management in Strategic Procurement Through Automation of Processes

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    The digital revolution is currently shaking every sector of the industry especially the supply chain and procurement industry. Concepts like “IoTâ€, “Industry 4.0†and “Procurement 4.0†are floating all around which is making the industry more competitive. The digital revolution is compelling the businesses to work in collaboration to achieve their targets because it is getting almost impossible for companies to survive independently, while on the other hand these collaboration lead to the complexities of the processes which can result in-transparencies in the process flows and spend management. A proper, clear and transparent spend management is the key to the success of any organization and an uncontrolled, unclear spend management can lead the companies to bankruptcies. The purpose of this research paper is to show how strategic procurement perform their spend management with conventional methods? and how the digitization and automation concepts can be used to improve the whole spend management process and how to mitigate the risks associated with spend management? Emerging literature, case studies, blogs, expert opinions, market knowledge, practical business experiences and citations are used to fulfill this task

    Analyzing Process Capability Indices (PCI) and Cost of Poor Quality (COPQ) to Improve Performance of Supply Chain

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    Abstract Many ports have inefficient and ineffective activities in the entire of Suppl

    Integration von gekĂĽrzten Verteilungen der exponentialen Familie mit Simulationsmodellen in Logistik und Supply Chain Management

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    Truncated distributions of the exponential family have great influence in the simulation models. This paper discusses the truncated Weibull distribution specifically. The truncation of the distribution is achieved by the Maximum Likelihood Estimation method or combined with the expectation and variance expressions. After the fitting of distribution, the goodness-of-fit tests (the Chi-Square test and the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test) are executed to rule out the rejected hypotheses. Finally the distributions are integrated in various simulation models, e. g. shipment consolidation model, to compare the influence of truncated and original versions of Weibull distribution on the model.GekĂĽrzte Verteilungen der exponentialen Familie haben groĂźen Einfluss auf die Simulationsmodelle. Dieser Beitrag konzentriert sich auf die gekĂĽrzte Weibull-Verteilung. Die VerkĂĽrzung der Verteilung wird durch die Maximum-Likelihood-Estimation-Methode oder eine Kombination mit Erwartungswert und Varianz erreicht. Danach werden die Anpassungstests (z. B. Chi-Quadrat-Test und Kolmogorov-Smirnov-Test) durchgefĂĽhrt, um die falschen Hypothesen zu beseitigen. Weiterhin wird die gekĂĽrzte Weibull-Verteilung in einem Lieferungs-Konsolidation-Modell integriert, um den Einfluss von gekĂĽrzten und originalen Verteilungen zu vergleiche

    Durch die Gänge der Fabriken läuft der Stundenzähler

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    Der Lehrstuhl für Transportsysteme und -logistik der Universität Duisburg-Essen befasst sich derzeit mit einem Forschungsprojekt in der Intralogistik. Es handelt sich dabei um das Themengebiet „Einsatz von Flurförderzeugen“. Ziel der Untersuchung ist es, die Ermittlung der Einsatzzeit der Fahrzeuge systematisch zu erfassen und darzustellen. Die Messung der Einsatzzeit hat eine große Bedeutung, wenn es um die Berechnung der Nutzungsdauer und damit um die Kostenabrechnung bei bestimmten Miet-, Leasing oder auch Wartungsverträgen geht. Darüber hinaus dient die Einsatzzeit auch als Berechnungsgrundlage zur Dimensionierung von Fahrzeugflotten zur Bewältigung logistischer Transportaufgaben. Die Ermittlung der Einsatzzeit der Flurförderzeuge erfolgt auf verschiedene Art und Weise – je nach Hersteller oder Vertragsform. Dieses Dokument erläutert die Ergebnisse von einem Fragebogen zur Messung der Einsatzzeit. Für die weitere Informationen und die Präsentation von den Ergebnissen, besuchen Sie bitte folgende Webseite http://www.uni-duisburg-essen.de/tul

    A Multi-Objective Model to Find the Sustainable Location for Citrus Hub

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    Citrus supply chains (CSC) are increasingly important in research due to high loss and waste, increasing demand, wide application for other industries, and differences in CSCs from country to country. This study proposes a new structure for CSC by introducing collection points to collect citrus from the farms in Jordan Valley and transport it to a citrus hub responsible for receiving, packaging, and transporting the citrus to distribution centers. The objective of this structure is to minimize the loss and waste and provide a new supply chain (SC) with stable infrastructure to track citrus from the initial stages and implement technologies such as the Cold SC. Therefore, it is crucial to find the optimum number of collection points, citrus hubs, and locations based on carbon footprint and transportation costs. The model introduced was solved using Open Solver Adds-ins after collecting data such as distances and coordinates using Google Maps and the altitude of those coordinates from SolarGIS. After running the model, it was found that the optimum number of collection points is 52 and the optimum number of citrus hubs is two. The results showed that the transportation costs of one hub are lower by 30%, whereas for two hubs are lower by 60% compared to the current location of the central market of fruits and vegetables (CM). The “kg CO2 e/kg citrus” values are 0.48 and 0.24 for one hub and two hubs, respectively, which showed a significant reduction compared to CM, which was 0.69 kg CO2 e/kg citrus. Therefore, installing two citrus hubs will improve the overall sustainable performance of CSC. Future research might be directed to integrate the circular economy into CSC and find possible applications for citrus loss and waste

    A status management system with use of synthetic sensors

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    Die Nutzung der Digitalisierung im Bereich der Logistik beschränkt sich bisher häufig auf Anwendungen im Bereich von Verwaltungs- bzw. Managementsystemen. Auf einer eher operativen Ebene sind dagegen nur relativ wenige Einsatzfälle bekannt, insbesondere dann, wenn es um die Erfassung und Unterstützung manueller Abläufe geht. Dabei bieten neue Technologien wie synthetische Sensor-Systeme oder maschinelles Lernen vielfältige Möglichkeiten, die Zustände, Bewegungen und Prozesse auf der Produktions- und Logistikfläche zu verfolgen und zu protokollieren. Die automatische Echtzeitdatensammlung und Datenanalyse über die Umgebungs- und Leistungskennzahlen auf Logistikflächen gewinnt zunehmend an Bedeutung, da sie die Basis für Aktionen und Entscheidungen liefert.The use of digitalization in the field of logistics has so far often been limited to applications in the field of administrative and management systems. On a more operative level, however, only relatively few applications are known, especially when it comes to recording and supporting manual processes. New technologies, such as synthetic sensor systems or machine learning, offer various possibilities to track and record the status, movements and processes in the production and logistics area. The automatic real-time data collection and analysis of environmental and performance data on logistics areas is becoming increasingly important, as it provides the basis for making actions and decisions

    Objective orientated logistic concepts with the view of LNG trans-shipment centres through application consideration of Industry 4.0

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    Logistikkonzepte in der Spedition und Transportgewerbe spielen heutzutage eine immer wichtigere Rolle, um Lohnnebenkosten so niedrig wie möglich zu halten. Gerade in der Spedition entsteht ein Zusammenspiel aus zeitnaher Lieferung von Konsumgütern und Optimierung der Lagerhaltungskosten bei dem die modulare Integration von Logistik, Informationstechnischen Systemen und vernetzter Kommunikation eine ganz spezifische Rolle hat. Anbindung von der Industrie zum Kunden wird dadurch immer mehr verstärkt, wobei sich somit dies zusehends zu einem Technologietransfer der Industrie 4.0 entwickelt. Die deutsche Wirtschaft steht augenblicklich am Übergabepunkt zur virtuellen Revolution im Industriezeitalter.Logistic concepts in the haulage industry and in the transportation sector in general are one of the most important factors in reducing associated business costs. Especially in the haulage business, where dispatch of goods is becoming even more important with a delivery model “just in time” in order to reduce logistic storage costs to a minimum. The integration of customised modular dispatch, information technology supported systems and interactive communication tools is vital. Customers and haulage companies are nowadays collaborating very closely with a noticeable development in a new industrial area called Industry 4.0. Currently, the German Industry is at a transition point towards a more virtual integrated Industry age

    A Multi-Objective Model to Find the Sustainable Location for Citrus Hub

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    Citrus supply chains (CSC) are increasingly important in research due to high loss and waste, increasing demand, wide application for other industries, and differences in CSCs from country to country. This study proposes a new structure for CSC by introducing collection points to collect citrus from the farms in Jordan Valley and transport it to a citrus hub responsible for receiving, packaging, and transporting the citrus to distribution centers. The objective of this structure is to minimize the loss and waste and provide a new supply chain (SC) with stable infrastructure to track citrus from the initial stages and implement technologies such as the Cold SC. Therefore, it is crucial to find the optimum number of collection points, citrus hubs, and locations based on carbon footprint and transportation costs. The model introduced was solved using Open Solver Adds-ins after collecting data such as distances and coordinates using Google Maps and the altitude of those coordinates from SolarGIS. After running the model, it was found that the optimum number of collection points is 52 and the optimum number of citrus hubs is two. The results showed that the transportation costs of one hub are lower by 30%, whereas for two hubs are lower by 60% compared to the current location of the central market of fruits and vegetables (CM). The “kg CO2 e/kg citrus” values are 0.48 and 0.24 for one hub and two hubs, respectively, which showed a significant reduction compared to CM, which was 0.69 kg CO2 e/kg citrus. Therefore, installing two citrus hubs will improve the overall sustainable performance of CSC. Future research might be directed to integrate the circular economy into CSC and find possible applications for citrus loss and waste